Welcome to the Simi Valley High School Track & Field program. The entire coaching staff is excited about the 2019 season. While academics are the top priority at Simi High, athletic participation is an integral part of the high school student’s education.
The main objective of the Simi Valley High School Track and Field Program is to contribute to the success and well-being of all athletes and to encourage participation, teamwork, and the enjoyment of the sport. Track and Field is an individual as well as a team sport. The values learned through commitment to a team effort are numerous and beneficial to all individuals as athletes and as students.
The mission of the Simi Valley High Track and Field Program is to promote and develop all of our student-athletes to the highest degree of their individual abilities and provide them with opportunities to learn valuable lessons inherent in athletics by developing such qualities as commitment, citizenship, accountability, leadership and sportsmanship.
The success of the program requires a strong commitment in partnership between the athletes, coaches, administrators, families and our local community.
Enrolling into Varsity Sports Track and Field, Period 6, commits a student to a highly rewarding, challenging, and rigorous activity. Enrollees are students first, athletes second, represent Simi Valley High School, and accept the responsibilities of being a CIF athlete. With everyone’s understanding, cooperation, and communication, the 2019 Simi Valley Track and Field season will prove to be exciting.
Athletic Eligibility
To be eligible to participate in interscholastic sports a student must:
Be academically eligible with a 2.0 GPA or higher, have passed at least four subjects (may include P.E.) during the previous quarter, and include no more than one "F" or more than one "Unsatisfactory" mark in citizenship. Athletes whose drops below 2.0 for the third quarter (March) are no longer eligible for sports and will lose their athletic letter.
Have a physical exam on file, as discussed in the previous section.
Have medical insurance coverage (available through the school).
Complete all paperwork electronically at www.AthleticClearance.com.
Be less than nineteen years of age prior to September 1.
You may also view all athletic eligibility requirements at www.SimiValleyhsAthletics.Weebly.com.
Attendance, Tardies, and Grading
Like all classes at Simi Valley High School, attendance is necessary. All students must be in the locker room at the tardy bell (1:53 pm) and be dressed in roll call line by 2:05pm. Three (3) unexcused tardies will result in an Unsatisfactory mark in Cooperation. The school discipline procedures will be followed.
It is important to remember that track and field is a class and that the athletes receive a letter grade similar to academic classes. Grades are given based on attendance, attitude and effort given. Athletes are expected to give their best effort day in and day out.
Athletes should also refrain from scheduling doctors, dentists, and miscellaneous appointments during 6th period, as well as leaving to make up tests from other missed classes.
Outside / Additional Training (Personal Trainers)
SVHS Track and Field athletes are prohibited from training with outside personal trainers. Doing so will result in removal from the team.
The cost of running any successful program is very high. Only a small percentage of the operating expenses are provided by the school, and the Program depends mostly on donations and fundraisers. It's important all athletes and families participate in the track and field fundraisers and every family is needed to make the Track and Field Program a success. We hope that every family can be involved, in some way, to advance the goals of the Program.
All athletes are encouraged to participate in track and field fundraisers, and parents are encouraged to donate their time during our track meets. It takes a small army to run a successful and efficient track meet, so parent participation is greatly appreciated.