DATE – Friday and Saturday, March 22nd and 23rd, 2024
** Friday – Gates open at 2:30p | Meet starts at 4p
** Saturday – Gates open at 8a | Meet starts at 10:00a
DIRECTIONS – Ronald Reagan (118) Freeway – Between Yosemite Ave. & Stearns St.
ADMISSION – Adults $10.00 | Students (w/ I.D.) $5.00 | Children (under 10) Free | Military Free w/I.D.
ENTRY FEE – $20 per event, $50 per relay. $900 max entry fee per school ($450 each Women | Men).
Checks made payable to Simi Valley Track & Field. Competing schools | athletes must have payment in on or before day of event.
ENTRY PROCEDURE – Entries will be done via www.Athletic.net. Entry deadline is Wednesday, March 20th, 2024 at 7:00pm.
Meet will be pre-seeded. Marks entered MUST be from the 2024 T&F season and WILL be verified.
MEET FORMAT – There will be 6-10 ‘Rated’ heats for most races immediately followed by 1 ‘Seeded’ heat and 1 ‘Invitational’ heat. The fastest times entered will compete in the Invitational heat with the next fastest times competing in the Seeded heat.
Athletes NOT checked in 15 minutes prior to event will be scratched.
** Friday Night - 1600m, DMR, 4x800m, 3200m
** Rated Field Events - HJ, LJ, TJ, Shot Put (Women's 4k / Men's 12lbs.), Discus, Pole Vault.
(3 attempts will be given in the LJ, TJ, Shot & Discus.)
** Saturday - 800m, 4x100m Relay, 100m | 110m Hurdles, 400m, 100m, SMR (100m, 100m, 200m, 400m), 300m hurdles, 200m, 4x400m
** Seeded & Invitational Field Events Flights - HJ, LJ, TJ, Shot Put (Women's 4k / Men's 12lbs.), Discus, Pole Vault.
(4 attempts will be given in the LJ, TJ, Shot & Discus. Shot and Discus )
Meet schedule will be posted closer to meet date. Athletes may compete in a maximum 4 events between the 2-days. Schools may enter more than 1 relay team per gender. All throws implements WILL be weighed.
COACHES HOSPITALITY – Head coaches of accepted teams will receive a custom engraved team relay baton and a custom team engraved RTIC 20oz. water bottle compliments of RelayBatons.com.
In addition, Head coaches will have access to our Friday night Taco Bar and lunch Saturday.
CONCESSIONS – Full snack bar offered
PARKING / BUSES – Buses will park in the western most parking lot on Cochran St. Free parking available corner of Cochran St. & Stow St.
MEET DIRECTOR - For more information contact coach Steve Ringgold at 805.501.2479 or email inquiries to