Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the Simi Valley T&F program.
1) My child has never competed in T&F, can he/she make the team?
Yes. Our program believes that there are two types of athletes; competitors and participants. The competitor wants to win every race, league title and championship they compete in. The participant loves being part of our T&F family, wants to get better and just be a part of something special. As long as your child is one of these two types, they are welcome to be a part of our program.
2) What are the costs involved with being a part of SVHS T&F?
Each family is asked to make a $100 investment to the team as well as pay $120 for transportation costs. Most athletes purchase their own uniforms and spirit wear. Typical uniform costs for girls is $60 and for boys between $65-$70. Spirit wear is optional and suggested.
3) When are tracks meets and practices and when do they end?
Click HERE for our meet schedule. RE: practices; it's best to contact the event coach individually as each event group has their own practice schedule and start times. As far as when meets and practices end, that's hard to answer as meets have different start times and simply put, practices end when they're over. This is largely dictated by how focused the athletes are during practice.
4) My child wants to be in the SVHS T&F Fall program. How does he/she get enrolled?
You and your child will need to talk with head coach Steve Ringgold about getting enrolled. There's a short interview process that takes place with each athlete.
5) My child is in a Winter sport, does he/she need to attend the December T&F tryouts?
No, Winter athletes are excluded from the December tryout. There is another tryout scheduled in February for ALL Winter athletes.
6) My son / daughter isn't telling me...(insert anything here). How do I find out what's going on with the team?
All families are asked to register with www.XCStats.com. This website is our portal for all team communications. Failing to signup will result in you NOT receiving team emails and communications.
7) I have a financial hardship. Can my child still be a member of the SVHS T&F team?
Yes, all costs are donations. NO student will be excluded from participation due to the inability to make donations to our program.